
Core Modules Overview

Core Modules Overview

There are 26 free core modules provided with the latest version of OpenCart:

Account The User Account links (My Account, Edit Account, Order History, etc) box for the customer to access.
Banner Adds an image banner with icons linking to different products or manufacturers in the store.
Bestsellers Adds a window displaying the best sellers wherever position/page it is specified.
Carousel Displays banner that can be navigated through as a slideshow.
Category Displays a module containing all the categories and subcategories of the store.
Divido Product Page Calculator
Featured Displays a feature box containing selected products.
Filter Displays a filter column to refine the products.
Google Hangouts A chat box used with a Google account to interact with customers.
HTML Content Creates a custom "Welcome" message for the customer to view on the home page.
Information Adds the information tab containing the Information pages (About Us, Delivery Info, Privacy Policy, Terms&Conditions)
Klarna Checkout
Latest Adds the latest, or most recently added, products in the form of product icons to a product box on a page.
Lay-Buy Layout
Log In with PayPal
Login with Amazon
Pay with Amazon
PayPal (Powered by Braintree) Button
PayPal Express Checkout Button
Pilibaba Checkout Button
Sagepay Direct Card Management
Sagepay Server Card Management
Slideshow Displays banner that can be navigated through as a slideshow.
Specials Displays all the products with Specials in a product box. Specials can be added to products in the Special tab.
Store Creates a box for the customer to select another store to visit if there are multiple stores managed with OpenCart.
eBay Listing

All of these modules can be manipulated with the Layout, Position, Status, and Sort Order tools in Modules.